Housing Management
Occupancy: Responsible for the overall management of the ZHA Homeownership and Rental Programs including determining eligibility for participation in ZHA programs, conducting recertification’s, monitoring housing accounts, maintaining waiting lists for housing applicants, and enforcement of lease agreements and policies.
Resident Services: Provides counseling services to rental tenants, homebuyers and homeowners. Counseling services include but are not limited to basic budgeting, home & yard upkeep, home insurance, mortgage finance counseling, and home inspections. Counseling is conducted individually or in group sessions. The Housing Services Department serves as a link between the community and ZHA.

Title Conveyances: Works with homebuyers that reside in paid off Mutual Help Housing Units and maintains all related homeownership lease documents. This includes processing required documents when there is a change in the homeownership status. When a home is paid off and all other obligations satisfied, the title conveyance review process is initiated and processed through Zuni Real Estate Services and Zuni Agency BIA for review and approval. Final steps include a Board approved Resolution and Closing and Signing Ceremony of the Quitclaim Deed with the homebuyers, Tribal Council and BIA. This office also maintains updated inventory of all ZHA housing stock and insurance coverage.
Mortgage Lending: Responsible for promoting home ownership opportunities. ZHA Lease to Purchase Program and USDA Self-help are available for families with low income. Alternative home construction and financing through approved banks with Section 184 approved lenders available for those exceeding income guidelines. This program provides financial education (individual or classroom) and also offers Individual Development Account (IDA) savings program to assist with the purchase and other mortgage costs for a new home. Walk-ins or appointments welcome, stop by to learn about available options and resources.